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Lipstick on a Pig Floor Cleaning

Stripping and waxing floors is a tedious and extremely dirty job and that goes without saying.  If you've ever seen or smelled the floor cleaning process you know it can be quite challenging.  Usually, one or two guys are sliding around a vinyl floor that's soaking wet with stripper and emulsified wax man-handling a 75-pound rotary scrubber that moves side to side and a wet-vac that sucks it all up.  Is it any wonder that insurance premiums are sky high for this type of work?  Not at all!

When we strip a floor for a new customer it's often after it hasn't been touched for quite some time. Wax and dirt build up over years and become a mottled blend of dirt and grime that barely shines without adding another coat of wax here and there.  The problem with this methodology is that the quick coat before parent's night or when that special guest is coming, adds up to triple and quadruple the amount of floor finish that's actually supposed to be there. 

It eventually comes off, but not without a fight. Harsh chemicals, aggressive scrubbing pads, and even straight razors are needed to basically peel, scratch, and claw this stuff back.  This type of work requires a special person.  One who takes pride in knowing that all of the impurities have been removed and the floor is ready for a fresh polish. Without a solid technician, corners will be cut and you will never get the shine or longevity you'd hope for.

Hallway flooring
