Over the years, ServiceMaster Clean has transformed many break rooms. This has made us privy to the importance of having a clean and organized break room.
The break room is a safe sanctuary for employees. It provides them with a space where they can unwind and have a few moments away from their busy schedule. It’s there so they can have coffee, lunch, or snacks in peace and enjoy the company of their colleagues.
Unfortunately, they are also the rooms that get ignored very easily. Since there is no one person tasked with keeping it neat, it becomes disheveled and disorganized too quickly.
However, there are some ways that you can keep your break room clean and clutter-free.
Related article about keeping your break room organized.
Start with Organizing the Room
Too often things go missing from break rooms. Start the cleaning process by organizing the room and putting everything in its place.
Dedicate a cupboard or cabinet to mugs, snacks, silverware, coffee and tea stuff, etc. Label each cabinet and drawer so people know where everything goes.
Also, organize everything in a way that is accessible. Put the microwave at counter-height so anyone can use it, regardless of their height.
Keep the Fridge Orderly
It’s not uncommon for food to go missing from an office fridge. People also tend to leave leftovers and forget them. This leads to some nasty smells enveloping whoever opens the fridge.
The solution? Labels!
Ask the employees to put their names on the food they bring. This way, no one will tuck into somebody else’s meal before realizing it’s not theirs.
Secondly, make it a point to keep up with regular cleaning. No food should sit in the fridge for more than two days. You can assign duties to the employees to clear out the fridge if they see something rotting.
Also, keep a box of baking soda in there to fight any smells. Tuck it away in the back, so there is still plenty of room for the lunchboxes, leftover containers, and such to be placed on the shelves.
Related article about making the process a team effort.
Have Dish and Hand Soap Available at all Times
Dirty dishes in the sink can lead to bad smells and roach problems. To stay clear of those, make sure there is dish soap near the sink at all times.
Also, keep the counter clear. Make it a rule that anyone who uses the sink and counters wipe them down with a paper towel afterward.
Clean Appliances Regularly
Fridges and microwaves can get dirty quickly when they are used communally. Target the handles specifically as they can harbor germs from all the people that touch them. Make it a point to have the microwave, fridge, coffee pots, counters, and sink wiped down every day.
Have the fridge deep-cleaned at least once a month. Clean the microwave from the inside at least twice a week. To loosen up splatters, microwave a cup of water. The steam will soften the hardened bits, making them easy to just wipe away.
Keep the Trash Dry
Bin liners often have holes, which allow liquids from the trash to seep out into the bin itself. Since these go unnoticed, they are easy to ignore. However, you will notice after a couple of days when the bacteria start stinking up the room.
Use good quality trash liners. If you have a large staff that uses the break room, put two or more trash cans. You can also put recycle bins under the sink so people know what trash goes where.
Have Cleaning Supplies on Hand
Spills can happen in a break room. To make sure that they don’t stay there for too long, keep basic cleaning supplies in the break room. Extra paper towels, a mop and mop bucket, broom, all-purpose cleaners, and soap should all be in the pantry.
Get Professional Help
While every employee should be responsible and do their part to keep the break room clean, weekly service done by a cleaning crew is important.
ServiceMaster Clean specializes in commercial and residential cleaning services. We have an efficient cleaning crew that makes sure your break room is cleaned thoroughly. Based on your needs, you can get weekly, bi-weekly or monthly services.
Reach out today to get a quote on how we can keep your break room sparkling clean.