End of Summer, Start of Sporting Events—Time to Clean Carpets and Upholstery

Summer is nearing an end and most, particularly students, are thinking it is quite a drag to be heading back to school. Although students may not be anxious to head back to school, parents may just feel it is time to push them out the door. With the return of school comes a lot of activities—sports, dance, piano lessons, and recitals. Try to factor in cleaning the house including carpets and upholstery with your other busy household activities.  ServiceMaster Commercial Solutions can help you get the carpets and upholstery of your home cleaned in no time at all.

Sports are an important activity and popular part of the back to school routine. When there are sports, however, many things can get tracked into your home and onto your carpets and furniture. Dirt, mud, wet shoes, gym bags and, at times, even the football. All of this is sure to wear on your carpet and your upholstery. Work with your family to learn how to respect and care for not only your carpets and upholstery, but your entire home as well.

Try putting together a bench, basket, or box by the front door or entrance of your home for all sports equipment, and have a coat and shoe rack available for easy hanging. This will help alleviate tracking into your home and can make your entryway much more presentable.

ServiceMaster Commercial Solutions in the Red Wing, Minnesota area stands ready to get your carpet and upholstery looking new again by vacuuming, pre-treating stains, and washing by utilizing our hot-steam extraction method. You’ll be surprised at how fresh, clean, and odor-free your carpets and upholstery will be. Our trained professional staff guarantees that you’ll be completely satisfied with the service that we provide. Let us bear the burden of cleaning your carpets and upholstery so you have more time to spend at your child’s sporting event (and, of course, piano recital). ServiceMaster Commercial Solutions is who you want to contact for a clean home for your family!