Two C’s of Stratos: Culture and Communication

The relationship between culture and communication is an intimate one, especially here at ServiceMaster by Stratos. For businesses, culture is crafted, conveyed and learned through communication. The reverse is also true – communication practices are largely created, shaped and shared by culture.

Workplace communication, as well as a positive company culture, is essential for a business to operate smoothly and effectively. It increases overall company performance, as well as overall employee satisfaction. Creating a solid foundation for a healthy company culture – which is established through healthy communication – should be a top priority for any business.

For Stratos, internal communication and cultivating culture is something we believe is imperative to the success of our organization, as there is a direct correlation between the success of our service partners and the satisfaction of our customers. Executing effective communication at all levels is a priority in our daily operations, as it empowers our people with knowledge and understanding, as well as delivers a consistent brand promise beyond our people to our customers and business partners.

We recently asked our service partners to describe how they’ve seen Stratos’ two C’s come alive this year. Check out what they had to say!

“The staff is very caring. The culture is great. They are doing a wonderful job.”

“I have seen the two C’s come alive by having good communication with my team members. I have also seen good culture at the school I work at – everyone pitches in to do their part.”

“They involve the team in everything they do.”

When it comes to culture and communication, if we can’t meet our service partners’ needs, we aren’t equipping them to meet the needs of our customers. We realize that our internal customers – our service partners – are our most powerful assets when it comes to building a strong reputation with our external customers.