Going the extra mile: Inspection and training

With more than 40 years of experience, all of us here at ServiceMaster by Stratos pride ourselves in being something of an expert when it comes to professional janitorial services. In fact, one of our four founding pillars, along with trust, security and service, is expertise. But being an expert means more than just knowing all there is to know about your field. It means going the extra mile and being dedicated to continuous improvement. 

Stratos’ commitment to going above and beyond – specifically in our hiring processes, screening procedures and training requirements – is part of what makes our customers confident in choosing us as their janitorial service provider year after year.

Our hiring process requires our service partners undergo extensive background screenings, detailed reference checks and mandatory drug testing. Yearly, the teams complete more than 2,900 hours of training. We don’t stop at job-specific training, though. We make an intentional and ongoing effort to invest in every aspect of our people. From educational seminars to programs that promote professional and personal development, we are dedicated to improving the lives of our people.

While Stratos service partners are thoroughly prepared to service a facility, our supervisors are also prepared to inspect their performance. Supervisors are provided with tailored facility inspection guidelines to ensure the customers’ specific needs are being met, which equates to more than 800 inspections per year. Also the leadership team is personally available to answer questions and address any emergency issues at all times. 

We go the extra mile, whether it’s job training that evolves into continuous learning, or service teams who work with customers to ensure each job is of the highest quality. Doing so has helped us cultivate a culture of success and onboard team members who give our customers peace of mind and every reason to trust us.