Healthcare Facility Cleaning Services / ServiceMaster is AHE Certified!
The ServiceMaster Clean healthcare training series is created in compliance with JCAHO, CDC and HIPAA standards, and certifies that our staff is able to accurately provide expert and specialized cleaning services tailored to your healthcare facility.
Our in-depth healthcare cleaning training program includes:
- Specialized cleaning processes needed for sensitive patient-care areas
- Security and safety regulatory compliance, focusing on blood-borne pathogens
- Maintaining commonly identified problem areas
- Infection control that details universal precautions
- Quality assurance programs
All of the ServiceMaster Chesapeake employees assigned to healthcare and medical facilities are required to prove a mastery of each level of our healthcare facility cleaning before they are able to progress to the next level.
Level 1: Training consists of doctor’s offices, medical professional buildings, behavioral health facilities (outpatient), medical education buildings, dentist’s offices and commercial work.
Level 2: Training consists of ambulatory surgery centers, eye clinics and dialysis centers. The processes involved include learning to maintain a sterile environment and terminal cleaning of an operating room.
Level 3: Training consists of cleaning 24/7 facilities such as urgent care centers and emergency departments in hospitals, and also commercial works in these 24/7 facilities. The processes include: day cleaning in these facilities and infectious waste handling.
Level 4: Training consists of full service hospitals, nursing homes, long-term, assisted-living and inpatient behavioral health facilities.
ServiceMaster Chesapeake is certified for levels 1-4. Our largest medical customer, a residential mental health facility, received a “Best Practices” rating by JCOM in 2011 during their inspection. Trust us to take care of your healthcare cleaning needs.
Looking to get started with our Healthcare Training Series? Call us at (410) 618-4555 or reach out online today!